Leaving With Love

December 4, 2011 - All Posts, 2011 Operation Jyoti, 2007-2010 Older Operation

After the first day at my school when I went back to our sleeping quarters and thought about how the last day at my school was going to go. I wondered if when we left the kids would fully understand that we weren’t coming back the next day. On Monday I had that question answered. When it was time to leave we had our translator tell the kids that we weren’t going to be coming back. At first there wasn’t a reaction. The kids didn’t seem to fully understand that we weren’t coming back. When school was over the kids started to walk out of the classroom. We hugged each of them good bye. The last two kids to walk out were crying. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and started to cry with them. One of these two kids was Raju. He was the one the smartest kids at the school and I knew that he fully understood that we weren’t coming back. I hugged him and the other one and I stood there holding them tightly for five or so minutes. We then went up to the ashram to play with the kids up there for a couple of hours. We had to leave the ashram and then that would be the last day that we were going to see the kids from the village of Kalsui. When we started to leave nearly everyone in the ashram was crying. This proved to me that we really had impacted their lives. They really loved us and we loved them as well. In my other blog I talked about Abu. This little kid who I would do anything for. When we left he didn’t cry like all the other kids were crying. At first I was really bothered by this. I felt like he didn’t really care about me as much as I did about him. I then thought about it and realized that he didn’t have to cry to show that he loved. He had already shown that when he let me hold him, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said that he loved me. I really was taught a lot in India. I am so glad that I was able to go. Greg, Megan, Derrick, Tanner, Abby, Jenny, Susan, Erika, and Raj you were all great leaders and I thank you for the countless hours that you put into this expidetion.

Caleb Johnson

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