I thought Indian kids didn’t know English …. but they knew the girl word for dog (Jenny Tripp)

March 24, 2015 - All Posts, 2015 Op: SunderAntar

Jenny 2013-12-31 23.00.00-37 low res
Jenny 2013-12-31 23.00.00-28 low res

I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when we walked into our school today. As we walked up the dusty road, all of the children were lined up waiting for us. They looked so excited. Getting to know them was truly a privilege. They were so mature! We had such a fun time playing games and getting to know one another. I feel so embarrassed that I can’t remember any of their names to save my life. They were very gracious as they had to repeat their names to me several times. I had so many funny/tender experiences with my cute kids:

This cute girl that I worked with today was extremely smart. She seemed to speak English very well which was impressive. As I was teaching a lesson a wild dog walked up and was obviously female (it had like utters haha) and I pointed the dog out to the kids and exclaimed,”dog!”. Then this cute little girl pointed at the dog and said, “Bit**”. I just stared at her for a second. Apparently that is the preferred term for female dog in India haha.

My second experience was teaching these cute young boys. My lesson was on construction and the boys were loving it. They loved creating tools with the construction blocks. When the lesson was over, the boys were insistent on cleaning up all of my stuff for me and putting it in my backpack. I was really touched and humbled by their kindness.

Lastly, I loved going to the blind/deaf school. I was so impressed by all of the kids in my Ymad group and their love toward all of the girls. They are such good examples to me of having compassion toward those that might initially seem so foreign. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched Maddy, Jayden, Brit, and Emily as they held their sweet girls hands during the games. They are all such good examples to me. This has already been a life changing experience, and it was my first day at the schools.

Jenny Tripp

One Response to “I thought Indian kids didn’t know English …. but they knew the girl word for dog (Jenny Tripp)”

  1. What a surprise to hear that come out of a little mouth, and in English! Not quite the same meaning as here, though. Wishing we could slow down time for you all and make this last a little longer!

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